JSVBA Rating and Ranking System
The JSVBA Rating and Ranking System is the State of the Art in Beach Volleyball Tournament Seeding! We use your top
3 finishes out of the last 22 events that we have run (as opposed to the last 22 events you participated in) to determine your seeding point total. By using only the top
3 finishes we eliminate the "bad day" or the time you do not play. It is important that you play
fairly often or your seeding will be under-calculated.
Starting in 2006 we will be using 3 out of the last 6 tournaments we
have conducted.
To achieve a rating it goes like this:
If you finish:
- 1st - You will be rated one level higher.
- 2nd/3rd - You will be rated at the level of the division you are competing in.
- 5th - You will be rated one level lower. (except for when you are already rated higher)
All ratings are removed, and you are unrated, on April 1st every year.
(April Fools Day, Of Course!)
Ratings are not given, you must earn them, on the sand!
Ranking Factor - Division
The point system is fairly simple and straight forward. You are awarded points for participating and as you finish higher you get more points. There are factors for the different divisions and a factor for the number of teams in the division.
Got all that? Don't worry, the example will explain it better than any text can.
Factors (by division)
- Open/AAA/Pro = 32
- AA = 8
- A = 4
- BB = 2
- B = 1
Ranking Factor - Number of Teams
The Factor for number of teams in the Division is easy to compute. It equals 100% + 1% for every team in the division.
Example: 16 teams = 1.16 or 116%
Ranking Factor - Finish
Also included is your finish place in your tournaments.
Factors (for finishes)
- 1st = 10
- 2nd = 9
- 3rd = 8
- 5th = 5
- 9th = 1
- Every one lower than 9th = .5
Adding It All Up
So when all is said and done at the event, this is how you can figure how many points you should have gotten:
Joe VB played A and finished 3rd in a tournament with 20 teams in BB
Factor - Division: A = 4
Factor - Finish: 3rd = 8
Factor - Number of Teams: 20 = 120% (or 1.2)
We take 8 (finish factor) multiply by 4 (division factor) multiply by 1.2 (number of teams factor) and we come up with
38.40 points for the day.
If Joe had not made it out of pool he would have received 1/2 of the points for a ninth place finish. In this particular case he would have received
2.4 points for having participated.
Now, How does that relate to what you see when you look in the Ratings and Rankings Book to see how many points you have?
If Joe had played in 2 events out of the last 22 and finished with this same number of points each time (Highly Unlikely!) his seeding points in the book would show
76.80 and his rating would be A.
If Joe had played in 5 events out of the last 22 and finished with this same number of points each time (Again, Highly Unlikely!) his seeding points in the book would show
115.20 and his rating would be A.
Why only 115.20? Remember we only use the best 3, so 2 of those don't count.
So now you know why we use a Computer to do all of this stuff!